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Website: https://www.chilisin.com

company profile:

Founded in 1972, Qili New has deep research and development technology and marketing experience, and the development of its own powder technology, and is one of the few inductor suppliers that can make their own magnetic cores.

In recent years, through strengthening independent research and development, establish efficiency of automated production process and merger action, gradually growing scale, by the powder, magnetic core, to the production process of vertical, horizontal integration, not only in the data center, action device, consumer electronics, communication system market won many global industry affirmation, and with high quality and efficient product features such as locking advanced automotive electronics and industrial applications.

With a complete product line and professional technical support capabilities to meet the needs of customers' one-stop product purchase, Qili New is one of the few manufacturers in the world that are able to provide a full range of passive components, and is committed to becoming a trusted strategic partner for customers.